Seika API v1

Our REST API allows you to submit an IPv4 address and retrieve all available context we have about it but not only, you can submit a search query to retrieve more hosts.

Searchable Fields

Field Type Explanation
hostname keyword Reverse DNS of the host
organization keyword ASN organization name
asn integer ASN organization number
ip ip Host we observed on our sensors
scan.type keyword Type of scan (.e.g. web_scan, port_scan)
scan.port integer Port scanned
scan.protocol keyword TCP or UDP
scan.category keyword Category of a given scan (.e.g. env crawler in web_scan context)
bruteforce.service keyword Service bruteforced (.e.g. RDP)
friendly boolean Host belonging with a hostname recognized from a friendly service
ja3 keyword JA3 fingerprint for TLS connections
ja4_tls keyword JA4 fingerprint for TLS connections
ja4_http keyword JA4 fingerprint for HTTP connections
ja4_ssh keyword JA4 fingerprint for SSH connections
hassh.hassh_id keyword HASSH identifier
hassh.hassh_name keyword HASSH name
location.country_code keyword Country code
location.country_name keyword Country name
location.physical_country_name keyword Physical country name
location.physical_country_code keyword Physical country code
location.physical_continent_name keyword Physical continent name
location.continent_code keyword Continent code
location.continent_name keyword Continent name
bruteforce.port integer Port bruteforced
bruteforce.service keyword Service bruteforced
exploitation.cve keyword CVE identifier exploited
exploitation.product keyword Product exploited

Rate Limiting & Quotas

  • Any results on the API and on the website are subject to monthly quotas credits.
  • The monthly credits are reset on the first day of month at Midnight UTC.
  • One result equals one credit deducted on the API and on the website.
  • A search on the website deducts 10 credits per page from the account quota since one full page retrieve 10 results.
  • A search to retrieve context from an host (.i.e. ip: on the website or via the API will cost 1 result.
  • Our API is rate-limited to allow one request per second.